Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
October 3rd, 2018 06:00 PM at East Missoula Fire Department
Roll Call: Barb Powell, Cyndie Winchell, Kari Wafsted, Paula Niccum
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Cyndie to approve the minutes as posted on the site. Barb seconded, motion carried, minutes approved.
Financial Information: Barb read the June report received by the county. Kari mad a motion to approve, seconded by Barb, motion carried, financials approved.
Public Input: None.
Old Business:
New Business:
- Paula made a motion to send a gift (300.00) to Brian Hensel in appreciation for many years of service to the district. Kari seconded the motion, motion passed.
- Barb made a resolution to compensate the East Missoula Fire Station for using their space as a meeting place.
- Fire hydrants were exercised by PCI. Andy Mefford spoke with the board about improvements to our system. Proposed improvements include pouring a concrete floor in the well house, putting a drain in the vault of the booster station pump house, placing a cabinet in the booster station to store paperwork, and cleaning and inspecting the lift station vault at the septic lot pump house.
Motion to adjourn made by Cyndie, seconded by Barb, meeting adjourned.
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- District Website:
- Respectfully submitted by Paula Niccum