Minutes 2018-08-01

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District

Meeting Minutes

August 1st, 2018 06:00 PM at East Missoula Fire Department

Roll Call:  Barb Powell, Paula Niccum, Dusty Deschamps, Kari Wafsted.

New Business:  Andy Mefford  from PCI came to meet the board.  Adam Pummil was also in attendance.

Andy gave his background and experience in running public water systems.  

The board had some questions:

The system received a letter from DEQ about a state wide waiver program.  Andy said all systems were recieving them. More details to follow.

3 board members had received tank alarm texts late Monday night and the following Tuesday morning.  The board discussed making sure Andy and Adam were on the callout list.  There was furthher discussion about prioritizing the call out list so Andy and Adam would be notified first and the board members second.  Matt from Neeley Electric has been asked to update the call out information.

The board asked for Andy’s opinion on the suggestions from the DEQ regarding landscaping cloth and rock around the wellheads, a backup generator for the system, and the need to install sample taps for water system.  None of these suggestions will be pursued at the present time.  He did suggest pouring a concrete flootr in the well house, it is currently a mix of dirt and gravel.  

Leak detection-  Andy would like to pull past records of water use and compile new data for a year and observe the data trends to look for indications of leaks.

We thanked him for coming to our meeting and resumed the regular order of meetings:

Approval of Minutes:   Motion made by Dusty, seconded by Barb, motion carried, minutes approved.

 Financial Information: May financials read by Barb, motion made by Dusty to approve, seconded by Paula, motion carried, financials approved.

Public Input: None.

Old Business: None

New Business:  

Singer leak- Adam had installed a meter in the Singer residence a couple of years ago.  A plumber performed some work at the residence and thought the meter should have been installed differently.  The plumber did not correct the work while he was there.

Resolution for payment of board members to be tabled until  next meeting. Hopefully more members will be in attendance to discuss.

Janet’s contract renewal- her contract expired June 30th.  She is willing to renew for two years if the language is adjusted to delete references to reading meters and to increase winter compensation from $50 to $100 per month, she makes almost as many trips to the post office and other errands in the winter.  Dusty made a moton to modify and renew her contract, Paula seconded, motion carried, contract will be renewed.

Ray Powell mowed and sprayed the sewer lot.



Motion made by Paula, seconded by Dusty, motion carried, meeting adjoirned.

  • District Website: http://www.sunnymeadowswater.com/
  • Respectfully submitted by Paula Niccum