Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
July 11th, 2018 06:00 PM at East Missoula Fire Department
Roll Call: Cyndie Winchell, Dusty Deschamps, Kari Wafstet, Barb Powell
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the June minutes as posted on the website was made by Cyndie, seconded by Kari. Motion carried, minutes approved.
Financial Information: No new financials for this time. April 2018 financials were read. Motion to approve made by Dusty, seconded by Barb. Motion carried, financials approved.
-We received a bill from Bryan Hensel for cleaning the wells, extra hours to meet with Adam over system operations, gave keys back. It was also for final water system repairs and maintenance. The bill was $1041.85. Dusty made the motion to approve the bill, Kari seconded, motion passed.
Public Input: None.
Old Business:
• Weed spray of sewer lot: Ray Powell will take care of this for $50 plus any materials. Kari made a motion, Cyndie seconded.
• Information on website change over: Our current domain expires on 8/9/18. Mike Lilly recommends we change it from GoDaddy to Linode as it will be cheaper. Mike is willing to pay for a 1 year subscription then invoice us. Dusty made a motion to approve it, Cyndie seconded.
• Reconstruction of board positions: Cyndie has stepped down from Board Chair and Barb has taken over. Other people are interested in board positions. Kari has unknown plans at this time but will continue to be back up when needed.
New Business:
• New system operator discussion: New contract has been signed. For $500/mo PCI will monitor sewer including any additional items at an hourly charge. They will be coming to our meeting in August.
• A motion was made to adjourn by Cyndie, seconded by Dusty, motion passed, meeting adjourned.
• District Website:
• Respectfully submitted by Kari Wafstet