Minutes 2018-05-02

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District

Meeting Minutes

May 2nd, 2018 06:00 PM at East Missoula Fire Department


May 2, 2018  6:00 pm at East Missoula Fire Department


Roll Call:  Board Members Cyndie Winchell, Barb Powell, Paula Niccum, Kari Wafsted

Residents Adam Pummil, Kevin Cook, David Davis.


Libby Henriksen and Sandy Arnold from DEQ came to our meeting and we spoke with them before routine business began.

We discussed the last DEQ review of our system in 2016.  The two recommendations made in that review were to improve the landscaping around the actual wells in the well lot with landscape cloth and gravel and to install a backup generator for the system. 

There was discussion of the bacT hits, test recording and paperwork, and possible troubleshooting and repairs.  

We were told that our well samples are good, indicating that the source of the bacT hits are most likely coming from the distribution system.  

A suggestion was made by DEQ to consider installing weather resistant sample taps outside of any homes for system tests.  This would assure that the tests results came from the distribution lines before the curb boxes and not from any individual homes.

We were told we could look for assistance possibly from the State Revolving Fund or other sources to help finance leak detection and improvements for our system. 

The board then explained the current (as of May 2) water situation with the storage tank level giving high readings and the trouble shooting that had been done.  The high levels began May first.  This led to our operator making a request for residents to avoid drinking the water until isolation of the problem and repairs could be made.  We notified everyone we could that evening.

As of the time of the meeting May 2, repairs had been made on the level transducer and the board was waiting to see if that solved the problem so system users could be cleared to drink the water.

Recommendations from DEQ for addressing the problem were to make sure that a script was written to insure residents all received consistent information and to include the text of the script in these minutes.

The text of the message:

“This is ( name ) from Sunny Meadows Water District.  We are experiencing high water level readings in the storage tank on the hill and are trying to determine the cause of the problem.  Until we can determine the cause and what repairs need to be made, we are asking all residents not to drink the system water.  We will let  you know when the water is safe to drink as soon as we know.”

Approval of minutes:  A motion to approve minutes as posted on website was made by Paula, seconded by Barb, motion carried, minutes approved.

Financial Information:  Barb read the February financial reports. Motion to approve was made by Kari, seconded by Paula, motion carried, financials approved.

Public Input: none

Old Business

Future leak detection:   Brian or Cyndie will investigate pricing and services.

Insurance renewal will be done by MACO.  They were contacted to renew, we are awaiting confirmation.

Replacement meters credit account updated by Cyndie.  We should be able to buy new meters.

New business

Adam reported that the new sewer system worked perfectly after power bump.

 Adam says pump chamber should be cleaned out.  

Julisa (our meter reader) gave a vacation notice-  Julisa will be on vacation in May, Paula will read the meters.

 Board is looking for someone to mow the sewer field.  Ray Powell will mow this season.

Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn made by Paula, seconded by Barb, motion carried, meeting adjourned.






















  • District Website: http://www.sunnymeadowswater.com/
  • Respectfully submitted by Paula Niccum