Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2018 06:00 PM at East Missoula Fire Department
Roll Call:Cyndie Winchell, Dusty Deschamps, Kari Wafsted, Paula Niccum
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes as posted on the website was made by Dusty, seconded by Kari. Motion carried, minites approved.
Financial Information: Cyndie read financial info from county for November. Motion to approve made by Kari, seconded by Dusty. Motion carried, financials approved.
Public Input: None.
Old Business:
- Credit application for new meters: No response to last request. Cyndie called them again. They agreed to fax a new application to Cyndie, she will fill it out and we will have the line of credit established.
- Updating meeting signs: They will be painted and re-written when weather allows.
- Board elections: Dusty and Cyndie have submitted paperwork to run for the board for another term. Any other water system member can also run for these board positions.
New Business:
- Future leak detection in the system: Cyndie and Barb will read the houses on the hill and the booster pump house meters this Friday and compare numbers.
- The board reminds all water system users that it is the homeowners responsibility to keep meters accessible for reading. This reminder should be included with the bills and posted on the site.
- The power bill in the October financial report was high, it would have been for the September billing period. The next bill shows even higher power usage, during a period where no one was watering their lawns. Cyndie has pulled past financial reports and will be getting bills and contacting the power company.
- A motion was made ot adjourn by Paula, seconded by Kari, motion passed, meeting adjourned.
- District Website:
- Respectfully submitted by Paula Niccum