Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
January 3rd, 2018 06:00 PM at East Missoula Fire Department
Roll Call: Cyndie, Barb, Dusty, Paula
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the November and December minutes as posted on the website was made by Barb, seconded by Dusty. Motion carried, minutes approved.
Financial Information: Barb read October financial report from the County. Power bill seemed higher than usual. Past bills will be reviewed, bill will be investigated. Motion to approve financials with report on power investigation to be given at next meeting was made by Dusty, seconded by Cyndie. Motion carried, financial report approved.
Public Input: None.
Old Business:
- … Cyndie is still waiting for a response to the email she sent requesting a line of credit for the purchase of meters. Previously the line of credit was in Mike Lilley’s name, the email requested updating of line of credit with new contact Info.
- Sign painting put on hold until it is warm enough to paint.
- Cyndie and Barb read the meters of the houses on the hill and took a reading in the booster pump house and the numbers will be compared with the end of the month readings for January.
- Application for work comp coverage for meter reader is complete.
- Bond payment was delivered to the county.
- 2 board members terms are expiring in May, Dusty and Cyndie. Paperwork to run for another term is being completed and submitted.
- Notice about unauthorized users taking water from the system will be included in the first monthly billing cycle in the spring and posted on the website.
- Discussion of leak detection on the hill will be continued after readings are taken at the end of January.
New Business:
- None.
Adjournment: Motion made to adjourn by Barb, seconded by Dusty, motion carried, meeting adjourned.
- …
- District Website:
- Respectfully submitted by Paula Niccum