Minutes 2017-10-4

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District

6:00 pm, October 2017

East Missoula Fire Station

Attendance: Cyndie, Dusty, Paula, Kari.

A motion was made to approve the minutes for August and September meetings by Dusty, seconded by Cyndie.  Motion carried, minutes approved.

Financial Information:  

June financial report read by Cyndie.  Motion to approve by Paula, seconded by Cyndie.  Motion carried, financials approved.

July financial report read by Cyndie.  Motion to approve by Paula seconded by Dusty.  Motion carried, financials approved.

There has been some disorganization at the county with the financial reports.  Cyndie and Barb are hoping to meet with the county to clarify their reports.

Public Input:  Luke Anderson , one of the Marshall Grade residents came to the meeting to discuss his low water pressure.  His concern is addressed by the DEQ item on the agenda.

Old Business:  

Sewer lot alarm system-  Improvements are completed on the sewer system.  There is a better alarm and a call out system.

Well house telemetry- The system is installed, and an antenna was added to improve performance.  No additional charges should be added from installation of the antenna.

Contract Review-  Barb typed up Dusty’s revisions of Brian’s contract.  He will review the contract for for Janet as well.  The reviews will reflect changes in statute since the last contracts were drafted.  The board discussed hiring a meter reader, they would need to be a licensed contractor.   

Water assessment spreadsheets- Cyndie brought printouts for assessment of water use from the last few years to the meeeting.  They are available on the website.

DEQ leak detection and remedy. Leak testing was completed by the DEQ.  The DEQ will require that no booster pumps are used by residences on the hill, that backflow preventers are in place on all residences and that pressure reducing valves are installed at the Deschamps, Kuehn and Freer residences.  This should address the low pressure at the Anderson residence.  All of these residences are on the hill and have very uneven water pressure.

Meeting signs- Paula and Cyndie will keep working on the most economical way to improve the meeting sandwich signs.

New Business:  

Cyndie is working to establish an account with a vendor to supply us with replacement meters.

Cyndie will contact the Fire Station to find out how to compensate them for the use of their space for meetings.

Bids were received to perform the work required on the hill by the DEQ.  Contact will be made and the work will proceed ASAP.

The board discussed hiring a meter reader in the future when contract reviews were discussed in old business.

The board would like to thank Ray Powell, Gary Winchell, Adam Pummill, Kevin Cook, and Tony Niccum for their assistance in manually operating the system until the new telemetry system could be installed.

The board discussed payment for a booster pump valve replacement on the hill.   Some valve damage ooccurred during the period of manual operation of booster pumps on the hill.  The board agreed to split the cost of replacing the valve with the system operator.

Director compensation will be researched and discussed at the next meeting.  Compensation is based on meeting attendance. 

Adjournment:  Motion made by Dusty, seconded by Kari to adjourn.  Motion carried, meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Paula Niccum