Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
6:00 pm, September 6, 2017
East Missoula Fire Station
Roll Call: Cyndie Winchell, Barb Powell, Paula Niccum, Dusty Deschamps, Kari Wafsted
Approval of Minutes: August minutes approval will be voted on at October meeting.
Financial Information: None this month. June and fiscal year end expected at next meeting.
Public input: None
Old Business:Sewer Lot alarm system improvements: Not completed yet. Parts are on order.
DEQ pressure recorders: Melee Valette from DEQ has collected data from recorders, we are waiting for her to let us know what we need to do. We may have to chlorinate full time. We are hoping to find a way to avoid chlorination, it is prohibitively expensive.
Well house telemetry line installation is done.
Dusty reviewed the language for the contracts for Brian and Janet. He recommends that if we hire a meter reader, they should work for either Brian or Janet, but not directly for the district.
Contracts for meter reading and bookkeeping reviewed by Dusty. Dusty helped reword the legal language. Barb will type new ones up and send them around for everyone to read.
Discussed water use assessment per person per household. The numbers don’t make sense on some homes. We may need to replace some meters. The price has increased over the years, we need to research replacement meters.
We will try to figure out which meters have been replaced and when after initial installation.
DEQ leak detection- Brian thinks Hydrovac on hill may help avoid chlorinating. We could wait for hearing from Melee Valette before doing it, the board decided to do so.
Cindy found a contractor starting to fill a water truck for work at canyon river from our hydrants. We are looking for ways to remedy this unauthorized use.
Dusty made a motion to pay East Missoula Fire Station 25.00 per meeting for using their space. Barb 2nd, motion carried. One extra meeting because of water system fix this year.
Replacement of Anderson Olson meter remote, no one has been in touch as per Cyndies request.
Cyndies and Paula have been looking into redoing the signs. Locations, meeting days and times have all changed since original painting.
A motion made by Dusty and seconded by Cyndie to adjourn was made and carried, meeting adjourned.