Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District
6:00 pm August 2, 2017
East Missoula Fire Station
Roll Call: Barb Powell, Dusty Deschamps, Cyndie Winchell.
Approval of Minutes: Barb made a motion to approve the minutes as posted on site. Seconded by Dusty, Motion passed, minutes approved.
Financial Information: Barb- The June financial report from the county is not finalized.
Public Input: None.
Old Business: Dusty made a motion and Cyndie seconded to credit Tom Carroll $200.00 and Mike Huber $100.00 for maintenance of the areas around the pump house and water tank area. Motion passed.
DEQ worked with Brian to put pressure recorders on a couple of the homes on Marshall Grade to help in determining where our problem exists.
Discussion was held on the alarm system for the sewer system as the old alarm has failed.
New Business: After discussion on the proposals for the new communication system between the pumps and the tank Cyndie made a motion to go with the Neeley bid. Dusty seconded and the motion passed
A motion was also made by Dusty and seconded by Barb to hire Adam Pummill for installing a communication alarm system for the sewer system. it is $850.00 for the Cellular Beacon and he will manage the system for $200 per year. Motion passed
Adjournment: Motion made by Cyndie and seconded by Dusty to adjourn. Motion passed
Minutes submitted by Barbara Powell
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- District Website:
- Respectfully submitted by Barbara Powell