Sunny Meadows Water System Notice
July 18, 2017
On Saturday July 15, a thunder storm caused a power outage and damaged some Century Link equipment. This included our telemetry line which provides the signal from the water tank on the hill to the well pumps in the well field on Highway 200. When the tank gets low, the signal for the pumps to turn on and fill the tank is transmitted through the telemetry line.
Century Link lines are back in service, but upon inspection by our system operator, the controller for the tank to pump communication is ruined and the tank is still not communicating with the well pumps.
We are maintaining the water level in the tank with multiple trips up to the tank to check the level and then manually turning the pumps on or off as needed. This will continue until we can determine our best option for repairs. If the tank runs empty and the pumps that supply pressure to the system continue to run, we could be in for a much bigger expense than just replacing the controller, not to mention loss of water service until they can be replaced.
Bids are being gathered and the board will be meeting to determine the best solution.
Until we have made arrangement for system repairs, we are asking for your cooperation in minimizing water use for the system. Please continue to hand water wherever necessary and we will update all users as soon as we have a confirmed bid.
UPDATE JULY 23, 2017
The board has solicited and reviewed 4 estimates and and voted to accept the bid for the work July 22, 2017. Estimated time for completion is 2-3 weeks. (The factory is quoting 1-2 week delivery on the equipment.)
Until repairs are complete, we are asking that everyone continue to water on alternate days, with odd numbered addresses watering on odd numbered dates, and even numbered houses watering on even numbered dates. On August 31, the odd numbered houses should water in the morning and the even numbered addresses in the evening. This way no one has to go two days without yard watering with the two odd consecutive dates.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this work.
Sunny Meadows Water Board
Cyndie Winchell 542-0433 Paula Niccum 721-5085 Barb Powell 370-5230
Dusty Deschamps 239-1944 Kari Wafsted 540-2444