Minutes 2016-04-06
Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2016 6:00 pm at Bonner Lutheran Church
Roll Call: Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Barb Powell, Paula Niccum
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve minutes as posted on the website was made by Mike and seconded by Cyndie, motion carried and minutes approved
Financial Information:
Financial report for January was read, Mike made a motion to approve, Cyndie seconded, motion carried and financials approved.
Public input: None
Old business:
There is still an issue with trash being left on the sewer lot. The Health Department was called, they said they would send another letter to the resident.
New business:
The heater was replaced in the well pump house.
Chlorination should occur when the rivers rise.
Mike made a motion, Paula seconded for Cyndie to speak with county attorney about problem residents. Motion carried.
Motion made to adjourn by Mike, second by Cyndie. Motion carried, meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Paula NIccum