Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
March 4th, 2015 06:00 PM at Lutheran Church
Roll Call: Attendance included Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Mike Huber, and Tom Walter
Approval of Minutes: Mike Lilley move that we approve the minutes of the last meeting and Mike Huber 2nd.
Financial Information: Mike Lilley provided us with the financial report. Mike Huber made motion to accept and Tom Walter 2nd.
Everyone agreed.
Public Input: The was no public input.
Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
- …
New Business: Insurance premiem–Risk emergency management was discussed and will be placed on the back burner at this time till further
review. It was suggested that the county would have to be brought into this.
Brian, our water manager, is working on and trying to find a leak up on the hill. He is working with a leak detector devise and has yet to find it.
He will continue to search for it.
- …
Adjournment: 6:48 PM
- Mike Lilley moved we adjourn and Mike Huber 2nd.
- District Website:
- Respectfully submitted by Tom Walter