Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District
Meeting Minutes
January 7th, 2015 06:00 PM at Lutheran Church
Roll Call: Attendance included Cyndie Winchell, Mike Huber, Paul Niccum, Mike Lilly attended the meeting from his home as he couldn’t attemd due to bad roads, and Tom Walter.
Approval of Minutes: MIke Huber made motion to accept the minutes and Tom Walter 2nd.
Financial Information:The financials were not read.
Public Input: No Public Input.
Old Business: Debated was responsibility of water bills now the owner has moved out.
New Business:We discussed the new website.
Apparently there is another leak detected on the hill that will have to be attended to in the near future.
- …
Adjournment: The meeting commensed at 6:40 Pm.
- Cyndie Winchell made motion to close the meeting and Paula Niccum 2nd.
- District Website:
- Respectfully submitted by Tom Walter