Minutes 2006-11-02

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District

Monthly Meeting Minutes @ the Bonner School Library

November 2, 2006


Board Members Present:  Bill Engelstad, Mike Huber, Mike Lilley, Tom Walter, and Cyndie


Guests:   Wayne Rusk, Vivian Rusk and clerk/secretary, Joan Kuehn

1. Roll Call

a. President, Mike Lilley, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

b. All attendees introduced themselves.

2. Approval of Minutes

a. ***  Mike H. moved, Cyndie seconded and a unanimous vote approved the minutes from

October 5, 2006.

3. Financial Information :  Cyndie presented

a. Income

i. Connections sewer   528.00

ii.                                                 water 2677.90

iii.                                                late fees      46.74      Total  $3252.64

b. Expenses

i. Contract

1. Bookkeeping 175.00

2. Meter Reading 100.00

3. Water operations 450.00 Total  $725.00

ii. Licenses & Fees

1. Water right transfer to DNRC   60.00

iii. Miscellaneous 264.75

iv. Sewer Power      8.89

v. Water Power  151.41

vi. Telephone     39.43 Total  $190.84   

vii.                                                                  Grand Total of Expenses  $1249.48

c. Net income  $2003.16

***  Bill moved, Mike H. seconded, and the financial report was unanimously approved

4. Third Reading of Ordinance 1­-2006

a. Joan read the water use ordinance

b. ***  Bill moved, Mike H. seconded, and a unanimous vote approved Ordinance 1-­2006

5. Third Reading of Ordinance 2­-2006

a. Joan read the water rate ordinance

b. ***  Bill moved, Mike H. seconded, and a unanimous vote approved Ordinance 2­-2006

6. Third Reading of Ordinance 3-­2006

a. Cyndie read the sewer use ordinance

b. ***  Bill moved, Cyndie seconded, and Ordinance 3­2006 passed unanimously

7. Public Input :   

a. Vivienne asked how many sewer and water hook­ups are currently on the system.  Mike

Lilley knew 12 sewer & 53 water.

b. Tom asked about how much property is needed to increase a drain field?  At this time two

lots serve 12 people.  Half of the field is not used at any one time.  The theory is to shift use

and a valve needs to be dug out/opened/exercised to use the other half.  In theory there is a

drain field and an alternate space with each property.  The city of Missoula would love to

force city sewer on the neighborhood.  The board would like to NOT get involved.  The

cost would be high, perhaps $4000, or more, per connection.  The community septic tank

was pumped out in 2005 and will be again in a 2007.     

8. New Business

a. Discussion was held about a letter Dave Adler submitted to the district requesting five

water connections in order to subdivide land south of Edgewood Street and build 5 homes.

Sunny Meadows is designed to support 63 homes.  There are 53 residences paying for

water at this time.  It is unclear who owns the water rights to 10 hook­ups.  A reply will

inform Mr. Adler that he must locate and purchase all of the needed water rights and pay

all of the costs to do this construction.  If accomplished, it would add additional homes that

may benefit the homeowners when more households share costs of upgrades.  Dave Adler

must have a yes or no answer since the proposed area lies within 500 feet of the Sunny

Meadows area.  A water right to drill a well can only be obtained if his request is denied.

b. If everything goes as planned and in the best­case scenario, all of the proposed upgrades

will be completed by October of 2008.

c. Expense Pre­approval Policy – Resolution 2006-­11

i. A request from the county would alter how the district does business.  Each month

at the meetings, the board will look at expenses of the district on a list generated by

the county.  Mike L. brought a sample and Cyndie read a draft policy proposal.

ii. District bills might be late if each waits until a board meeting.

iii. To prevent default of contractual obligations, or late payment penalties, claim

submission has been streamlined.  For oversight, double signatures and safety

checks will be built­in.  For example, Josie would not be permitted to pay herself.

Any check over $400 would require multiple people being aware.  

iv. **Cyndie moved, Bill seconded, and a unanimous vote passed Resolution 2006-­11.

9. Adjournment  Mike H. moved, Bill seconded, and the meeting adjourned.

District website reminder: http://lilleym.micro­mania.net/sunnymeadows/index.shtml

Final copies of all documents may be viewed on this website.  

Respectfully submitted by Joan Kuehn 

November 4th, 2006