Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District
Board Meeting Agenda
March 5th, 2014-6:00 PM at the Bonner School Library
The meeting was called to order at 6PM on Wednesday by Cyndie Winchell
Roll Call: Cyndie Winchell, Mike Huber, Paula Niccum, and Tom Walter. Unable to attend the
meeting in person due to impassable road conditions Mike Lilley was able to attend the meeting
via a cell phone.
Approval of the minutes: Cyndie Winchell made motion to approve the minutes of the January
2014 meeting. Mike Huber seconded. Everyone agreed.
Financial Information: Cyndie Winchell presented to the board the financial report. Mike
Huber made motion to accept the financial information—Tom Walter seconded. Everyone
Public Information: There was no public information.
Old Business:
• Repair of the pump house door is still pending on a completion date. Weather has been a
• Purchase of a new meter reader has been put on hold due to the original business has
closed their doors. Another company will be used in place of them.
• To find and repair the leak on the hill has been placed on hold till the weather allows.
• Again, it was discussed to stop the 3 month billing cycle and bill each home owner 12
separate months rather than bill the two three month billing cycles. This has been
discussed due to popular request of numerous home owners and all board members.
Changes will not take place till later this year.
New Business:
• Bond Refinancing—Mike Lilley approached the board at our February meeting for each
of us to look rather closely at refinancing our bond payment to shorten the over all life of
the payment and to reduce the over cost to the district. This would be very beneficial to
everyone involved. The board will further the investigation and procedure to move on
with this.
Adjournment: 6:45 PM. Cyndie Winchell made motion to adjourn—Paula Niccum made
motion to accept and Tom Walter seconded.