Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District
February 5th, 2014
A the Bonner School Library
The meeting was called to order at 6 pm Wednesday by Cyndie Winchell.
Roll Call: Cyndie Winchell, Mike Huber, Paula Niccum & Tom Walter were present.
Approval of the last meetings minutes: Tom Walter made motion to accept and Mike
Huber seconded. All agreed.
Financial Information: Cyndie Winchell presented to the board the financial report.
Mike Huber made motion to accept and Paula Niccum seconded. All agreed.
Public Input: There was no public input.
Old Business: Discussed was one particular home owner that continues to be late on
their monthly water payment despite being warned many times. The board’s feelings are
that more stringent measures may have to be taken to encourage compliance.
New Business:
• A possible leak near the booster pump up on the hill will have to be examined for a
• One of the Home Owners requested that we bill him once a month all through the
year rather than issue him a bill for 3 months. We discussed changing this as possibly
other Home Owners may agree. At this time we will research what it takes to change
Adjournment: 7:30 pm. Cyndie Winchell made motion to adjourn—Paula Niccum
District Website:
Tom Walter respectfully submitted the minutes