Minutes 2013-08-01

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District

Board Meeting 

August 1st, 2013

This meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Cyndie Winchell

Roll Call: 

 Present—Cyndie Winchell, Tom Walter, Mike Lilley, Mike Huber & Paula Niccum

Approval of the minutes: There were no minutes to read.

Financial Information: Mike Lilley presented the financial report. Mike Huber made motion to 

accept and Cyndie Winchell approved. Everyone agreed. 

Public Input: There was no public input. 

Old business:

 The board discussed a conflict with one of our double lot owners and the use of the sewer

system on the incorrect lot. 

 Mike Lilley brought up the need to purchase a new Website Host. We discussed the 


 Mike Lilley shared with the board members his new proposed budget for the coming 

year. Everyone was quite please with the time and effort exercised by him. Cyndie made

motion to approve and Tom Walter seconded. Everyone agreed. 

 To assure that it will be ok to spray the weeds at our pump house property Tom Walter 

agreed to have DEQ write us a letter verifying that it will ok to spray the weeds. 

New Business: There was no new business. 

Adjournment: 8:45 pm 

 Cyndie Winchell made motion to adjourn—Mike Huber seconded. 

 District Website: http://www .sunnymeadowswater.com/

 Respectfully submitted by Tom Walter