Minutes 2013-05-02

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District Board Meeting

May 2nd, 2013 -7PM at the Bonner School Library

The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Cyndie Winchell

Roll Call:

• Present were Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Mike Huber, Paula Niccum, and Tom 


Approval of the Minutes:

• Mike Lilley approved the minutes and Paula Niccum seconded. Everyone approved. 

Financial Information:

• Mike Lilley presented the financial report. Mike Huber made motion to accept and 

Cyndie Winchell seconded. 

Old Business:

• It was noted that the new sewer house was completed by Adam Pummel and Paterson 

Construction. The sewer holding tanks were cleaned, new pumps were installed, and the

old wooden building was replaced by a new metal building, plus all the wiring was 


• We planned on having the sewer lot mowed once again but not till maybe a month or so 

depending on how tall it grew. Canyon View Golf Coarse owes a free mowing as they 

double charged us last year. 

New Business:

• Cleaning the water tank was discussed. Should be cleaned the first of summer. 

Adjournment: 7:35 PM

Cyndie Winchell moved to adjourn—Mike Huber seconded

District Website: http://sunnymeadows.dnsalias.com/

Respectfully submitted by Tom Walter