Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District
Board Meeting Location at Bonner School
February 7th, 2013
Board Members Present:
• Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Mike Huber, Paula Niccum, & Tom Walter
Roll Call:
• Cyndie Winchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Mike Huber made
motion to approve and Mike Lilley 2nd.
Public Attendance:
• Adam Pummill
Approval of the Minutes:
• Mike Lilley approved and Paula Niccum 2nd.
Financial Report:
• Financial report was presented by Mike Lilley. Tom Walter approved and Mike
Huber 2nd.
Public Input:
• There was no public input.
Old Business:
• Having two board members terms coming to a conclusion it was discussed to send
a letter to all Home Owners in hopes someone will step up to the plate to replace
both members.
• Pump House rebuild was discussed with Contractor Adam Pummill. His bid was
at or around $2800. It was discussed with the cleaning of the sewer holding tanks
plus any miscellaneous repairs and parts be kept under $3800.
• It was advised at our last meeting that we had a small accumulation of sediment at
the bottom of our tank. We will plan to have it cleaned this spring. New Business:
• We discussed the last couple of months billing with one of the home owners as it
appeared as though they were using tremendous amount water or they had a
possible leak. It appears after doing some research that the reader was read
incorrectly and the situation was resolved.
• We received thank you letters from both the school and the church for the
donations issued to them for the use of the rooms for our meetings.
• It was discussed that the board should start saving for a catastrophe regarding the
water system. The water pipes lying under the streets, as old as they are, could be
considered a future risk.
• The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
• Cyndie Winchell made motion to adjourn—Mile Lilley seconded.
• District Website: /
• Respectfully submitted by Tom Walter