Resolution 2012-07 Audit


BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF directors of the sunny meadows Missoula county water and sewer district:

WHEREAS, the District was incorporated as a water and sewer district under the provisions of Title 7, Chapter 13, parts 22 and 23 M.C.A.; and

WHEREAS, M.C.A. Section 2-7-514 requires all local government entities to have an annual audit of its finances by the MT Department of Administration; and

WHEREAS, the fees for such audits are provided for under M.C.A. Section 2-7-503, as adopted by Administrative Rule ARM2.4.402; and

WHEREAS, the deadline for submitting audit data is December 31st of the calendar year containing the end of the fiscal year.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approves the submission of the attached annual report data to the MT Department of Administration.

PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of November, 2012

Signed: _____


Name: Cyndie Winchell


Title: District President _____


Date: _____



Attested: _____