Minutes 2012-06-07

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District

Board Meeting Location at the Church in Bonner

June 7th, 2012

Board Members Present: 

• Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Mike Huber, Paula Niccum, and Tom Walter.

Approval of the Previous Month: There was no minute to be read. 

Public Attendance: There was no public attendance or input. 

Financial Report: 

• The financial report was provided by Mike Lilley. We reviewed the past 3 months. Tom

Walter moved to accept the financial report and Mike Huber 2nd. 

Old Business: 

• Sewer Pump House Repair: Tom Walter is looking into the replacement of the door. He

is also going to present an estimate on the cost of residing and replacing the roofing. 

• Tom Walter volunteered to set up the mowing of the sewer lot. 

• $100 was donated to the Bonner School for the use of their library. 

• After the meter was replaced on one of our residences we found out our reader will not

read it. It was all agreed that we would replace our reader with a new and updated model.

• Mike Lilley presented to the board a new update of our budget for the next year. Paula

Niccum moved to accept the new budget and Mike Huber 2nd. 

Bond Payment: 

• It was agreed by the board to pay the bond payment for the year. Mike Lilley moved we

pay the bond and Paula Niccum 2nd. 

Fire Hydrants: 

• The fire marshal checked of our fire hydrants and they all passed the grading system. 


• Cyndie Winchell made motion to adjourn and Paula Niccum 2nd. 

• District Website—http://www.sunnymeadows.dnsalias.com/index.shtml 

• Respectively submitted by Tom Walter