Sunny Meadows Missoula County water & Sewer District
Board Meeting at Bonner School
November 3rd, 2011
Board Members Present
• Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, & Tom Walter
Roll Call:
• Cyndie Winchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Mike Lilley approved
the minutes and Tom Walter seconded.
Financial Report:
• Cyndie Winchell approved the Financial Report and Tom Walter Seconded.
Public Input:
• There was no public input.
Old Business:
• We discussed some rather serious book keeping errors by our book keeper. Mike
and Cyndie are working diligently to resolve the mistakes.
• It was discussed that one of the home owners was late with the water payments
but was making up payments at this time. We are hoping it will continue.
• We again discussed future checks with regards to creative plumbing issues. There
will be more discussion on this matter in the future and the date when the Board
will be able to check.
New Business:
• Discussed very seriously is the continued bacteria being found in the water
system. We have had our water system manager working with the EPA in trying
to resolve the issues. It was suggested that we install “Backflow Preventers”,
both in the house just before the meter, plus have a working backflow Preventer
installed with all sprinkling systems. There will be more discussions in the future
on these Back Flow Devises and their potential costs.
• At this time there are several suspected areas that may be a polluting sight. We
are hoping to have these places checked before winter sets in. • Cyndie Winchell invited a Backflow Preventer expert to attend our meeting to
answer some questions we have had about Backflow Preventers and their costs.
We would like to thank Perry Hildeman, one of the local home owners for
attending our meeting. It was quite informative.
• The continued need to chlorinate our water system is becoming very serious and
costly for the district. If this continues it could cost the home owners more
money per month to pay for it.
Adjournment: 8:30 PM
• Cyndie Winchell made motion to adjourn—Mike Lilley move and Tom Walter
• District website reminder—
• Respectively submitted by Tom Walter November 7th, 2011