Resolution 2011-05 District Budget

A resolution Adopting a budget for the period July, 2011– June, 2012

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF directors of the sunny meadows Missoula county water and sewer district:

WHEREAS, the District must responsibly manage its revenue and expenses; and

WHEREAS, the District must provide a budget to the Missoula County Auditor; and

WHEREAS, the District has adopted a fiscal year beginning on July 1 and ending on the next June 30.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the District adopt the attached Budget for the fiscal period.

PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 2011

Signed: _____


Name: Cyndie Winchell


Title: District President _____


Date: _____


Attested: _____

Main Obj Expenses Budget
430510 210 Office Supplies $700
430510 220 Operating Supplies $500
430510 230 Repair and Maintenance Supplies $800
430510 311 Postage $230
430510 324 Copy Costs $500
430510 331 Advertising/Legal Publications $600
430510 335 Dues & Memberships $720
430510 340 Heat, Light, Water $4,000
430510 343 Sewer $250
430510 345 Phone Basic $1,000
430510 348 Sewer Plant Maintenance and Repairs $1,500
430510 354 Audit Fees $3,200
430510 357 Contracted Services $8,000
430510 358 Consultants $900
430510 365 Grounds Maintenance and Repairs $50
430510 367 Water System Maintenance and Repairs $5,000
430510 391 Lab Services $1,200
430510 516 Other Insurance $2,000
430510 540 Special Taxes/Assessments $100
430510 610 Principal $7,000
430510 620 Interest $6,000
    Total Expenses $44,250
343021   Metered Water Sales $42,500
343027   Miscellaneous Water Revenue $0
343031   Sewer Service Charges $2,112
343036   Miscellaneous Sewer Revenue $0
362016   Miscellaneous/Sales $0
371010   Investment Earnings $0
    Total Revenue $44,612