Position Name: Water Operator
Description: This document describes the duties of the District’s water operator
Revision Date: April 7, 2011
Next Required Review: April, 2015
Basic Operations Services
These items are included in the basic operations of the system, and shall be billed as a lump sum, with all the included items included in a standard monthly rate.
Bi-Monthly check of overall system condition, including:
Check for proper functioning of well pumps, booster pump, and alarm system(s) (once installed).
Record any and all appropriate system data.
Monthly System Check, including:
Record water use data from well pump meters and hour meters (once installed).
Access booster pump vault to check overall condition and record pressure gauge readings.
Check condition of reservoir, access hatch(es), vent screen(s), and record estimated water level.
Sample for bacteriological contamination (one per month) at MDEQ approved sample sites.
Bi-Annual System Check, including:
Check for proper functioning of heater, fan, lights, and electrical outlets within pump house.
Open manual air relief valves (if present) to release any accumulated air in main lines. Fire hydrants may be used depending on location.
Annual System Check, including:
Flush dead end mains through blow-offs.
Flush all fire hydrants and exercise all valves.
Exercise all system main line valves (excludes residential curb valves).
Visually inspect and perform fire hydrant maintenance per manufacturer recommendations. Make repairs if necessary.
Maintain individual fire hydrant condition, type, size, and maintenance records.
Perform sampling for drinking water contaminants. Sample per MDEQ required sampling schedule for each constituent, including inorganics, volatile organic compounds, synthetic organic chemicals, nitrate/nitrite, lead, copper, and radiological contaminants. Sampling requirements may change if the laws governing drinking water requirements change. Laboratory testing fees are to be paid by the District.
Maintain all system records and testing information.
Provide information and respond to inquiries from regulatory agencies, MT Department of Environmental Quality, Missoula County Health Department, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and system users.
Respond to system failures and breakdowns. Full-time availability of the primary operator is not required, however, a call list of alternate contacts (including backup operator) must be provided. Advance notice of absences exceeding 2 days is required.
Disinfect system through shock chlorination every 2-5 years. Timing of disinfection is dependent on system condition, system owner approval, and bacteriological testing results. Shock chlorination is to be cleared with the board of the District except in emergency situations.
Annually prepare and distribute the Consumer Confidence Report to system users per MDEQ requirements.
Provide a backup operator.
Maintain MDEQ documentation establishing operator as the system’s certified operator.
Maintain MDEQ system sample site plan.
Additional Services:
The following services shall be compensated on an hourly basis, in addition to the basic services specified above.
Respond to system failures, alarm conditions, fire, power failure, customer requests, etc., requiring on-site visits, travel, or document preparation. Initiate and manage all repairs to system components through contracted services when required including but not limited to main line excavation, plumbing, electrical, pump controls, and major fire hydrant repair. All repairs and maintenance work will be done with prior board approval excluding emergency repairs when no board member is available.
Additional services as requested by the board of directors of the District.