Minutes 2010-10-07

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District Minutes

Bonner Elementary School Library

October 7th, 2010

Board Members Present: Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Mike Huber, Bill Engelstad,

and Tom Walter 

Roll Call

• President Cyndie Winchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM 

Approval of the Minutes

• There was no approval of the minutes

Financial Information by Mike Lilley

• Metered Water Sales–$2330.60 YTD–$4458.50 

• Sewer Service Charges $132.00 YTD–$132.00

• Mike Huber moved to accept and Bill Engelstad second. 

Public Input 

Mel Holtz has proved his abilities and adjusted quite well as the new manager of meter

reading and billing. 

Old Business 

• Bill Engelstad has agreed to inspect one of our meter readers and possibly repair it. 

• It was agreed that we pay $50 to the church for its use each year during the summer

months when the school isn’t available. 

• It was established that the EPA will take care of the costs of replacement of one of

our new pumps. 

Adjournment—8:15 PM Mike Huber moved to adjourn Tom Walter seconded.

District Website Reminder: http://www.sunnymeadows.dinsalias.com/index.shtm