Minutes 2010-09-02

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water & Sewer District 

September 2, 2010

Bonner School Library 

Board Members Present: Cyndie Winchell, Mike Lilley, Tom Walter

Also Attending: Paula Niccum

Roll Call: 

a) Cyndie Winchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Approval of the Minutes: 

a) Cyndie moved to accept the Minutes for August—Mike Lilley approved.

Financial Information:

a) Mike Lilley presented the financial report. 

b) Tom Walter moved to accept the financials—Cyndie Winchell seconded. 

Public Input—There was no public input. 

Old Business:

a) It was reported that Blackfoot Construction has ordered a new well to soon be


b) We have decided that the board will donate $50 to the Church next to the

school once a year for the use of the church when needed for our meetings.

This generally will occur during the summer or when the school has a special

function that will prevent us from using the library when needed. 

c) It was mentioned to the board that illegal dumping of lawn waste, tree limbs,

etc has been dumped on the property that serves as the drain field for the

community sewer system. It was agreed that the board would send a letter to

everyone requesting that dumping be stopped and cleaned up. 

d) It was made mentioned that there is only one resident that is past due on his

water bills. He will be notified. New Business: 

a) The board discussed a replacement for Bill Englestad. We will discuss this

with Bill further to find out when he will be stepping down.

b) Discussed was one of the readers for checking the water meters does not work

as reported to us through Mel. This will be repaired. The meters were read

with the second meter reader. 

c) It was reported that Ralph Abhul has again a leaking water main to his house.

This one is about 20 feet from where the last break occurred a couple of

months earlier. Unfortunately, Ralph is on a vacation for a couple of weeks.

We had to turn his water off for the mean time. 


a) Cyndie made motion to adjourn—Tom Walter seconded. 

b) District website reminder—http://www.sunnymeadows.dnsalias.com 

c) Respectively submitted by Tom Walter September 5th, 2010