Minutes 2009-02-05

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District Minutes 

Board of Director’s Meeting, Bonner Elementary Library

February 5, 2009

Board Members Present: Mike Lilley, Cyndie Winchell, Mike Huber, Bill Engelstad & Tom Walters

Also Attending: Joan Kuehn, District Secretary

1. Roll Call

a. President, Mike Lilley, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. All board members were


2. Approval of Minutes, 

a. Cyndie reported the wording of an email sent to board members with the brief minutes from the

January meeting. 

b. Cyndie moved, Mike H. seconded*** and the minutes from January 2009 were unanimously

approved. (Both Mike L. and Joan were absent due to icy road conditions)

3. Financial Report (to the end of December)

 Cyndie reported one homeowner was 90 days late for payment with all others on time.

 Total balance: $25,009.89

Revenue: $514,328.38

Received YTD

a. Treasure State Endowment Program $86,069.99 Jan / $263,154.23

b. DNRC Grants $95,000

c. Metered water sales $1791.20 Jan / $16,948.12

d. Investment earnings $141.10 Jan / $1070.88

 Expenses (50% of budget year): $ 16,431.10

a. Heat/Light/Water $ 180.94 29%

b. Sewer 19.35 39%

c. Phone 133.95 63%

d. Contracted Services 465.00 44%

e. Architect/engineering 6,281.00 225%

f. Principal 3,000.00 50%

g. Interest 494.46 7%

h. Construction / engineering 163,146.78 77%

Mike H. inquired about the increased telephone bill. The new installation and alarm-calling system was

paid for this month.

Bill moved, Mike H. seconded *** and the financial report was approved with a unanimous vote.

4. Public Input. 

a. Bill will communicate with Mr. Burns regarding the roller parked near their homes. An email to

Craig will be sent, also addressing the Burns’ concerns.

b. The wand for reading meters was given to Joan and she will return it to the well house after

verifying the Kuehn home total.

c. Tom shared positive comments from neighbors about the taste of the water and the new pressure


5. EPA Well status:

a. The second well is fully working. Blackfoot fixed it without a good explanation of what was

wrong. Power to the second pump kept tripping circuits. Heaters for both are now replaced and

more “heavy-duty.” Mike L. will compose a letter of thanks to the EPA for their assistance. The

budget came in $27 under budget (of $26,000). 

6. Project Status:

a. A list was reviewed of remaining items to do on the project and additional ideas are welcome.

b. The plumbing “looks great”

c. The lower well house door is in need of repair/replacement. Scott Kuehn will be asked to

investigate and Bill volunteered to assist.

d. The capacity for snow weight on the upper housing is unknown, but was discussed.

e. The well house walls, new locking method, a count of the number of padlocks needed, and shut-

off training were discussed. 

7. The water board has been in existence three years right now with phenomenal accomplishment.

Congratulations to all!! 

8. Adjournment At 7:45 p. m., Bill moved/ Cyndie seconded***, and the meeting unanimously


 *** Vote taken

District website reminder: http://www.sunnymeadows.dnsalias.com/index.shtml

Respectfully submitted by Joan Kuehn, February 15, 2009.