Minutes 2008-12-04

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District Minutes 

Board of Director’s Meeting, Bonner Elementary Library

December 4, 2008

Board Members Present: Mike Lilley, Cyndie Winchell, Mike Huber, Bill Engelstad & Tom


Also Attending: Craig Progeza, water specialist, and Joan Kuehn, District Secretary

1. Roll Call

a. President, Mike Lilley, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 

2. Craig was graciously thanked both for his dedicated hard work on this project and for

driving over on snow-packed roads from Helena. To prioritize Craig’s time, items involving

him were moved forward on the agenda:

a. Craig presented a pile of draw request papers worth about $83,000.

b. He distributed copies of an updates schedule.

i. He predicted the project will be finished or “substantially complete” by Friday, Dec 12th.

ii. Seeding and fencing will occur in the spring.

iii. Tom asked and was assured that the soffit piece on the side of the shed would be

repaired. A piece failed to arrive that matches the others. The roof is a different color

since it is aluminum.

c. The new tank will be connected on Monday! Water will be off for at least a few hours.

Craig’s biggest concern going into this last week was hydro pneumatic tanks that may be

valved off.

d. Telemetry training is planned Wednesday (Dec 10). Brian needs to attend and all other

board members are welcome. An email from Craig will announce the time soon. 

e. 125,000 gallons, days worth of water, is sitting in the filled tank, chlorinated and waiting

for a bac T test result.

f. Homeowners will taste chlorine, but Craig assured the level is safe. Bill and Mike H., and

later Tom & Joan for two homes, agreed to call owners and warn them both of a shut down

and the chlorine.

g. An pre-programmed automated telephone alarm call system will call board members until

one responds if ever the water system encounters a problem. The phone charge will be

approximately $20 per month with additional minute ONLY if the alarm is triggered.

h. Board members were encouraged to think of items to add to the “substantially completed

list” for spring follow-up. Craig will propose a retainer sum to withhold by next meeting.

(Currently, $22,000 is being held).

i. Sides of the road easement will be grass-seeded yet the zigzag jagged road must stay. One

homeowner was concerned.

j. JTL will pay for and repair asphalt near the Burn’s home. 

k. There was discussion about potential vandalism and leaving the gate in place for winter.

l. Three inspections will happen in the spring:

i. Craig with the board.

ii. With the contractor.

iii. With all of the funding agencies.

m. There is a minimum of one year warrantee for materials and workmanship on the project.

3. At 8:07 the agenda was reviewed and a different phase of the meeting, without Craig,


4. Approval of Minutes, Bill moved, Mike H. seconded*** and the minutes from November 6, 2008

were unanimously approved.

5. Financial Report (to the end of October)

 Cyndie reported three homeowners are in the 30-60 day payment range.

 Total balance: $160,448.97

Revenue: $145,236.89

a. Treasure State Endowment Program $46,780.85

b. DNRC Grants $95,000.00

c. Metered water sales $3339.70

d. Investment earnings $116.34

 Expenses (33% of budget year): $ 16,431.10

a. Office Supplies $ 20.50 39%

b. Operating 134.14 44%

c. Repair & Maintenance 165.00 41%

d. Postage 45.36 25%

e. Dues/Membership 106.00 146%

f. Heat/Light/Water 416.47 25%

g. Sewer 19.10 26%

h. Phone 78.88 30%

i. Sewer repair 707.00 71%

j. Audit Fees 402.50 40%

k. Contracted Services 450.00 28%

l. Consultants 100.00 43%

m. Architect/engineering 13,384.81 205%

n. Water Systems MTC 360.00 41%

o. Special Tax/assessment 41.34 41%

Mike L and Cyndie hypothesized the dues and membership line incorrectly contained a rebate

amount given for a water meter fee. 

Bill moved, Tom seconded *** and the financial report was approved with a unanimous vote.

6. Public Input. Tom expressed concern for vandalism and locks were discussed.

7. EPA Well status:

a. The wells are 100% done! 

b. We were LUCKY! Approximately $26,000 went through district accounts for wells worth

about $250,000. The EPA paid for part of the electrical panel. We plumbed the inside.

Seed was planted.

8. Meters:

a. All district meters replacements are complete. 

9. Engineering: Discussed earlier.

10. Schedule: Call divisions were reconfirmed.

11. Draws: Discussed earlier.

12. County Election Office Letter: The board seeks nominees to serve. Candidates must be

identified by June, elected November 3rd, and will replace Mike L. and Cyndie Winchell’s

positions on the board beginning January of 2010.

13. The water board has been in existence three years right now with phenomenal

accomplishment. Congratulations to all!! 

14. Adjournment At 9:00 P.M., Cyndie moved/ Mike H. seconded***, and the meeting unanimously


 *** Vote taken

2 District website reminder: http://www.sunnymeadows.dnsalias.com/index.shtml

Respectfully submitted by Joan Kuehn, December 6, 2008.