Minutes 2008-11-06

Sunny Meadows Missoula County Water and Sewer District Minutes 

Board of Director’s Meeting, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

November 6, 2008

Board Members Present: Cyndie Winchell, Mike Huber, Bill Engelstad & Mike Lilley.

Also Attending: Craig Progeza, water specialist, Josh Patterson, Owner Patterson Engineering, Adam

Pummel, contractor, Bob Zachariasson & Paula Niccum, homeowners, and Joan Kuehn, District Secretary

1. Roll Call

a. President, Mike Lilley, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Only board member

Tom Walters was absent.

2. Approval of Minutes, Cyndie moved, Mike H. seconded*** and the minutes from October 6,

2008 were unanimously approved.

3. To prioritize Josh, Adam, and Craig’s time, items involving them were moved forward on

the agenda:

4. EPA Well status:

a. The DEQ approval arrived Tuesday. 

b. Testing to assure the wells are from the same aquifer was in process.

c. A tolulene “hit” was discussed (most likely from the well drilling). .9ppm-2ppm range’s

OK. There is currently a waiver on testing. An additional (fourth test each year could be

required if tolulene is a concern, which could cost $1-2000. We don’t want to lose the

waiver. Brian is arranging the testing and the EPA pays for this. 

i. The EPA has requested final billing from Mike L. 

ii. Craig is awaiting the Army Corps of Engineers, but basically the work is completed and

works well for the district.

5. Meters:

a. Only one meter still needs replacement and Judge Deschamps assures it is his fault that it

isn’t completed yet. Adam will connect and get it done soon. 

b. Adam will call or email Mike L when it is done.

6. Engineering:

a. Two options were discussed and it was decided to hault the pipe replacement at the point

where 3” PVC pipe is in a “T” in the road above Kuehn’s home. The per-foot price, hard

digging near gas/electrical/phone lines, pressure testing concerns, safety, and savings lead

to a decision to leave the pipe that seems to be in good shape in place. 

b. Tank, booster station, and upper connection testing will all happen at the same time. 

c. All surfaces must be disinfected.

d. The shut-down will likely happen within one day. 

7. Schedule:

a. One month remains on the contracted time.

b. The tank is on site

c. The floor was finished today.

d. A roof and sides will be built by the weekend (barring weather delays).

e. Ladders, scaffolding, and the basic structure will be up next week.

f. The power is in and the booster pump is ready to go.

g. The open hole at the top will be covered and then re-opened to finish the project.

h. Final finish grading will probably happen in the spring. Fencing and seeding may delay

until warm weather, also.

8. Financial Report (to the end of September)

Cyndie reported no one is late paying their water bill! Some even have credit!

Total assets $61,601.84, with a balance of $124,166.67 with the county

Revenue: $589,897.00

a. EPA grant $5,886.86

b. Treasure State Endowment Program $125,619.20

c. Metered water sales $4589.90

d. Sewer Charges $44

e. Investment earnings $102.92

f. State revolving Fund $30,335.00

Expenses: $ 150,150.24

a. Office Supplies $ 57.26 29%

b. Operating 130.35 30%

c. Postage 42.00 12%

d. Dues/Membership 413.43 131%

e. Phone 32.44 15%

f. Audit Fees 322.00 15%

g. Contracted Services 450.00 26%

h. Consultants 100.00 21%

i. Architect/engineering 33,208.13 163%

j. Water Systems MTC 331.00 20%

Bill moved, Mike H. seconded *** and the financial report was approved with a unanimous vote.

9. Public Input…none

10. Adjournment At 7:50 P.M., Cyndie moved/ Bill seconded***, and the meeting unanimously


A Homeowner’s Association Discussion followed

 *** Vote taken

 District website reminder: http://www.sunnymeadows.dnsalias.com/index.shtml

Respectfully submitted by Joan Kuehn, November 10, 2008.